Wilbert Alix interview from Sonic Healing, Meet the Masters Video Course

In this podcast, we hear the interview with Wilbert Alex from our SONIC HEALING MEET THE MASTERS VIDEO COURSE. This is from Session 8 of the Ten Part Series on Meditation, Music and Healing.

Wilbert Alix shares his background of growing up in the rich ethnic culture of New Orleans to arrive at contemporary shamanic techniques using trance dance and body-centered psychology. He has earned international recognition as a contemporary healer and teacher of progressive psychology and neo-shamanism with a focus on trance dance. A prominent figure in the emerging science of body-centered psychology, his presentations offer unique insights into the relationships between traditional shamanic healing, progressive psychology and modern science. Throughout his career of over four-decades, he has created numerous social, medical, mental health and alternative therapy approaches to cultivating physical and emotional well-being. He continues to explore the professional application of Trance Dance and other contemporary shamanic techniques as legitimate healing and therapeutic tools.